Thank you for joining our book club, here are some discussion tips & questions for your book club or for reading on your own to ponder. Tips for Your Book Club Discussion Approach the time together as a way to get to know one another on a deeper and more intimate level by being vulnerable and sharing your experiences, reflections, and hopes.
If we grieve the way we live, describe how you process grief and life. Are you a:
Questions & Ponderings
If we grieve the way we live, describe how you process grief and life. Are you a:
What causes you to worry? How do you respond to worriers? Fran believes there are unwritten books inside each of us. What book is inside you waiting to be written? What is a favorite Scripture verse or quote that you hold on to for courage or encouragement; peace; hope; or other needs? Share about a special group of friends that you had at college, work or clubs. What do you appreciate and/or miss about them the most? Describe a job or project that you were chosen to lead where you felt under qualified. What helped you through it? What did you learn from it? Name one of your favorite teachers or professors and share what you still remember learning from him or her. Which Sheltonism do you like? What about it causes you to like it? If you have experienced a GIANT failure, what did you learn about yourself and others in that experience? What is a turning point (personally or vocationally) in your life? Describe the different points of view in a relationship where, “It’s not right. It’s not wrong. It’s just different.” applies. How would you have dealt with Bob’s request to not tell his children? On a scale of 1 (really crappy) to 10 (woo hoo!), what score would you give yourself on the ability to ask for help? If you really want to practice, each of you ask a member of your group to help you with something—take you to the airport, go for a walk, run an errand. So much of life is about timing. Describe a “timing” moment in your life that changed your life for the better. Who would you desire to be near you and the time of your death? Fran shared ways that she feels comforted after Bob’s death (people sharing their fond memories of him with her and food). What brings you comfort? Unexpected happenings cause pangs of grief. Share an experience you have that surprised you with the recollection of a loved one. What feeling(s) surface within you when you read the title No Winter Lasts Forever A Memoir of Loving Bob and Loathing Alzheimer’s ?
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